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Documentation d'artistes diplômés de l'EESAB, 2015 - 2021

Quentin Yvelin

MÀJ 11-09-2023

La poitrine creuse

La photographie est envisagée comme rituel et pratique de soin, elle
permet de dépasser et de transcender les limites d'un corps empêché et
stigmatisé. Ce projet est le moment d'une écriture et de rencontres avec des
individus que je photographie par le prisme du souffle et des
pathologies qui peuvent lui être associées.
Travail au long cours et qui se developpe avec des formes mutliples :
l'image photographique va à la rencontre d'autre disciplines : l'écriture,
le mouvement, la sculpture ainsi que des notions de médecines
anciennes ( traditionnelle chinoise, Hippocratique ) et de pratiques
philosophiques orientales : Taoisme et Zen.
Ce travail questionne le corps marqué, le corps meurtri, le corps
résilient et le regardqui leur est porté par la collaboration avec des
individus porteurs de pathologies respiratoires et thoraciques.
Cette démarche entend faire se rencontrer le biographique, le médical et
dans proposer un récit plastique et sensible.
Elle entend créer des passerelles entre le milieu médical, l'anatomique et
le chorégraphique en questionnant les perceptions, les représentations,
les sensations et les regards.

"The Hollow Chest"
By Quentin Yvelin

"The pectus excavatum, 'funnel thorax' is a congenital malformation of the chest.
It results in an excavation of the thorax that can be more or less pronounced, symmetrical or not. In half of the cases, pectus excavatum is idiopathic.
There are no complications, but in some cases it can cause breathing difficulties.


This work, which began in 2018, was born from a reflection on the notions of masculinity,
transmission and link.
Both biographical and metaphorical, it questions through a paternal figure, the masculine throug the prism of its corporeality and fragility. Starting from the funnel-shaped thorax Pectus excavatum from which my father suffers ; I question a representation and a posture in the face of the world,both physical and moral.
The difficulty of finding one's place and balance but also the body as a biographic and sensitive
The questions of breath and breath are essential in this narrative that is spread over several years and is situated on the border between a subjective documentary and an plastic approach .
Interactions with the invisible and the spiritual are evoked by the presence of the wind and the wind turbine which question the possibility of a second wind, of a reconstruction, of surpassing oneself.
The shapes and objects collected, minerals, tools, plants act as symbols, sculptures and metaphors of a history and an experience.
The atypical and singular body is considered as a biographical material, drawing on a pathology and a thoracic malformation, photography becomes the means of questioning and Create the material for a testimony and a story.
Photography allows for an autobiographical and symbolic reading of medical pathology and thus to go beyond and transcend it. Here the body is considered both in its anatomical and biographical dimensions.
This printed edition is the first part of this work, which is entitled « The Hollow Chest »
and which will unfold between installation, books and performance